It is believed that people who see media around the world is becoming the same at the moment. This essay will discuss both advantagous and drawback of this tendency. There will be discussed impacts of globalization and t
The effect of globalisation is obvious towards the world’s populace as information transfer being made easy with the advent of technology. In this essay I will discuss further about the advantages and disadvantages of gl
Due to the constant advancement of technology or globolization making culture exhange more frequently which leads these days people are exploring familiar cinemas, fashion , commercial adds too. It is believed t
There has been an ongoing debate about whether it is better to have similarities between countries to be almost the same with no differences in terms of movies, trends, brands, ads, and Television or not. Some argue that
We can wear the same outfits and designer bag, watch the same movies, promotion, and tv channels, with our friends from across the world. Though, it has benefits and backdraws related to this unlimited access to the worl
With globalization, differences between countries are becoming less evident, and everyone in the world can see the same films, fashion and so on. However, considering cultural exchanges and economic development, I believ