IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Repeating the use of addictive substances is one of biggest the difficulties all over the world. Lack of job opportunities and some psychological deficiencies can widen addiction. Also, an improved educational system an
Some people said that drug abuse are going to be a huge problem in the society caused by many reasons and the official is trying to find the solution for it to safe the public moral.
Some people said that drug abuse is going to be a huge problem in the society caused by many reasons and the official is trying to find the solution for it to safe the public moral.
Some say the drug is spreading among society and getting bigger, it is causing many problems for many people and affecting social development. So, the problem should be stopped as soon as possible but effective solu
The problem in our society is drug abuse because people have completely done it as a normal lifestyle. The problem with this is that most of them are highly addictive converting the consumer into an addict. Increasing th
Today, illegal drug traffickings widely spread throughout the world and drug abuse becomes the biggest issue in our communities. In this essay, I will highlight the causes of drugs abuse followed by some solutions.
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