IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people are of the opinion that the diet and lifestyle of young people has changed dramatically compared with the previous eras and has led to the rise of health problems in the youth. I completely agree with this no
As the world is advancing towards rocket science and its use. people and children are adapting to these changes in the environment. As a result the eating habits and lifestyle of children has drastically changed when we
Eating habits and lifestyles have considerably changed over the years.In most countries, eating habits and lifestyles of children has become peculiar from earlier generations. According to some people, this had an advers
These days, eating fast foods and using mobile and computers is becoming increasingly popular among youth. Even parents are providing their children with these modern gadgets.
It is often argued that the eating habits of children and their lifestyle has changed tremendously as compared to the past generations which had created a detrimental effect on their health. I totally agree with this sta
Owing to the change on the people's eating habits and their way of living especially, children.There are some who believe that this change have a damage impact on their health or life in general.In my opinion, I complete
It can be said that the health and lifestyle of people around the world has changed in recent years. This essay disagrees with the idea that our newly changed habitats have brought harmful effects to the younger generati
It can be said that the health and lifestyle of people around the world has changed in recent years. While others believe that this change has many drawbacks, I would argue that there has been more positive effects then
It has been witnessed the change in either eating preference or living routine of children for over decades on all over the world. Some people argue that this can cause a variety of negative effects to their own health.
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