IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many enjoy living in the city, whereas others prefer to live in the countryside where they are far away from all the city's noise and fast moving life. In my opinion, it's depend on the kind of person and what do they do
Man is a social being and we cannot live a life without society. It is believed by many that to live a peaceful and charming life town is the best option. However, while some people think that to live a peaceful and beau
It is considered by some that living in the urban has a better quality of life, while others believe that the lifestyle in the suburb is more fulfilling. This essay will discuss the perspective of both positions and pres
A proverb goes that ,God has created the village and man has created the city. A village is a very beautiful and lovely place and it's natural beauty attracts anyone to live there but there are lack of some modern facili
Moving from one location to the other is becoming increasingly popular in many countries. Some people argued that it is preferable to stay in towns, whereas others believe life in the suburb is better. In my opinion, I a
Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting.
Some think that city provides a better life while others argue that countryside is the best place to live in. While city offers enormous career opportunities to people, I believe that the better environmental conditions
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