IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I totally agree with the saying that reading book for pleasure help develop better imagination and language skill than watching TV.
In the modern society, more and more concerns were made about the cognitive development of children. Some people argue that reading for pleasure encourages people to boost imagination and language skills than watch TV.
These days, it has been argued by some that deriving pleasure from reading is of great benefit to people's imagination development and language upgradation than being exposed to TV. Although both sides have proved their
There is a widespread saying that books and novels spur the imagination and language skills much more than any TV programme. I believe that this notion holds true no matter what modern technologies are used on TV and TV
I am agree with this i think reading book give you more information rather than watching Tv. It has always been a great debate whether the pleasure reading or the watching TV improves the creativity, positive imagination
It is widely believed that having an interest in books exerts a much greater impact on boosting imaginary mind and gaining better language ability than glancing at programs on
It is widely believed that having an interest on books exerts much greater impact on boosting imaginary mind and gaining better language ability than glancing at programs on
The soaring popularity in reading is undoubtedly due to the enormous benefits generated from the habit of reading along with the improvements in the accessibility to various reading sources. Compared to the electronic de
The soaring popularity in reading is undoubtedly due to the enormous benefits generated from the habit of reading along with the improvements in the accessibility to various reading sources. Compared to the electronic de
While some people think that reading books rather than watching TV is more beneficial for one’s imagination and language acquisition, I content that the role of the former in boosting intelligence and language ability is
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