IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In these days, there has appeared a hotly debated topic of whether producing more materials and goods is the primary target of every country in the world. Some people believe that maintaining a gradual increase of produc
Improving the country's economy is vital in every state. Moreover, some think that this will be possible when there is an increase production of products. As a result, an assumption has been generated - each country aims
It is often said that, the goal of every country should generate more materials and goods.I personally believe that mass production increases the availability of products for the inhabitants of the nation and enhance the
A large of number masses belive thatbit had better if each counrty have a goal to produce more materil and goods.I partial agree with this statement,this wassy would shed lihjt on both point of views.
It is said that creating more and more stocks would be the aim of every country. I completely disagree with this point of view for some reasons as now will be discussed.
Manufacturing several products is augmented in recent years gradually. A number of individuals claim that every country should have the incentive to wax its yield such as various materials and goods. The essay will demon
Somebody suggests how every nation should be to climb the good production, thus the main aim of each factory is concerned with the quantity and not on the quality of products.
It is argued that the goal of all countries should generate more products as like materials and goods. I personally believe that mass production will raise the availability of the products for the people of a country and
Many people consider that making materials and goods should be a prime target to all nations. Personally, while I agree with the viewpoint, I believe that several countries may concentrate on other spheres.
Globalization is a trend topic nowdays, Countries have been always looking for improve its economy to higher the quality of life of its inhabitants. This goal carry the important task of generated more materials and good
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