In fact, many college scholars these days engage in temporary work like delivery drivers or receptionists. It is believed to have positive impacts on students as they can enhance their good virtues. Personally, I agree t
It is important to say that a lot of people think that if the students have part-time jobs, this can help them to have more discipline, develop their organizational capacity and they will be motivated to expand positi
It is irrefutable that the cost of tertiary education has become very high and student have to work part time to fund their education. This situation has both positive and negative effects. In the following paragraphs, i
It is an irrefutable fact that lots of students would like to do part time jobs during their study period. In my opinion, the working less hours is the best option, when students studying higher education in universities
Education plays a vital role in every individual’s life, regardless of his or her age, nationality and gender. While, A number of persons argue that kids who are not above the age of 10 they should study common subjects,
In modern era, living expenses are increasingly becoming exorbitant, especially for students. While some people are of opinion that part-time job plays a vital role in student's life, other are opposed to it. This essay