Many students have chosen to study science-related subjects at university instead of traditional subjects .That is because of a lack of job opportunities in traditional fields. Also, effect negatively on society in diffe
The high number of technological revolutions and well-paid occupations with schoolarships in the technical science field in the last couple decades caused a vast number of students who choose science-based majors instead
A rising number of students prefer choosing science-related disciplines at the university instead of opting more conventional courses. It can be caused by a growing demand in STEM fields and by the desire to solve global
Comparing with those traditional majors such as literature, history or philosophy, majors like science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are more attractive among college students. Higher rate of employment
More students are choosing to study science-related subjects at university as opposed to traditional subjects. This essay will discuss the reasons why students are attracted to taking up science-related subjects and thei