IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this era of globalization, immigrating to different countries have become easier than past so many families leave their native land for one reason or another. Some people believe that education in foreign countries is
It is now a common occurrence for families to migrate to a new country. Although it is often believed that this can benefit the young ones, others think this decision might be extremely difficult for a child in a new cou
It is now a common occurrence for families to migrate to a new country. Although it is believed that this can benefit the young ones, others think this decision might be extremely difficult for a child in a new country.
Immigration is becoming quite popular. Several families have moved from their home countries to settle in foreign lands.While many think this move may be difficult for the children, others believe it will be of great ben
It is considered by some that families moving to other countries in search for greener pastures can give advantages to children. However, others disagree. In my own opinion, I believe that children can benefit more to im
Recent advancements, in technology and transportation in particular, are reshaping our world in an unprecedented manner. Nowadays, it is not unusual for people to work abroad. Most expatriates relocate their families to
In recent years it have become common for many families to move abroad for a period of time. The difficulties associated with living in a different place might be overwelming, especially for children, and these may have
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