IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Schools and colleges are considered to play an important role in an individual's life. However, with this growing population the competition is also increasing, thereby resulting in increased strain on students. It has i
It is impossible that the load on school and university students is expanding and they have to effort very hard at a young age.This situation has both positive and negative effects. In this situation, a need arises to cr
Nowadays, there is a certain standard to be met by students, which compels them to study and work even harder, hence putting pressure on them. In my opinion, this can be a positive development.
Students are the building blocks of a society. Recently, there has been a rise in pressure on school and university students and are forced to work really hard from childhood. According to me, it is a negative developmen
Nowadays, education playing a vital role in every people's lives.In recent days, learners are pressured by the school and university and this growing as well as students have to do too hard work when they are not much o
Educational establishments have been expanding the demands for learners throughout years it is lead to increasing children’s burden from childhood. Since such a requests is growing with years with ambiguous influences on
Nowadays, many people are concerned that study pressures on students of all ages have been growing steadily. At the same time, however, there is some uncertainty about the merits or demerits of the situation. In this ess
In this fast paced life, people become success-oriented and everyone is in the race of getting high educational qualifications. Undoubtedly, this increases the tension among the school and tertiary level students to beco
Nowadays, students are dealing with high pressure about a large amount of knowledge at university. While there are some negatives to some impacts on them, I would argue that working hard at university is more beneficial
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