It is said,that cutting-edge technologies draw all attention of the people.In my opinion,humans have been made to hard work since the 1990th.Plenty of new gadgets,which help to improve a lifestyle,were invented in the l
Many people argue that digital devices such as smartphones are responsible for increasing socially isolated users. I totally agree with this notion. I believe that people are not using less time for social activities by
In this technological era,various advancements are being made.Most popular of them are innovations in mobile phones and various types of apps which multitude are using .Some people opine that invention of mobile phones h
A matter of considerable controversy at present is the issue of latest technology like mobile phones are affecting human beings social life. I am completely agree with the given notion and will explain the logical standp
With the development of technology, more and more personal digital products emerged, for example personal computer, smart phone. They brought so much of convenience to our life, however, they also consumed lots of our ti
A number of nations assume that modern gadgets namely, tablets, laptops, and phones have been changing since the past . This situation impacts the type of communication and becomes people isolated. I do not agree with th