IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, car increases are leading to enormous problems such as air pollution, whereas there are even more pressing problems such as a lack of job opportunities, which can lead to other issues.
Few individuals claim that the increasing number of vehicles is one of the major issues facing cities, while others think, cities have higher challenges. I think the former reason is more apparent. However, this essay wi
A certain number of people believe that Increasing the number of vehicles is a huge difficulty facing cities.In my opinion ,cities face many problems but one of them is a traffic issue ,on the other ,hand the city has o
In the growing world cities are getting polluted and messed up, either by increasing number of vehicles or decrease in the land and a large group of people thinks that one of the main challenges is rising in the count of
On the one hand, those who prefer to read online books argue that, readers can have access to his books from the personal library anyime and anywhere they are. Similarly, this allows to store a huge collection o
In the modern world, problems that affecting cities are a topic of an interesting debate among people. Some argue that motor vehicles are the major cause of troubles, while others affirm that it is because of the increas
increasing number of vehicles is one of the biggest challenge facing cities, as believed by some people while other stated that cities has bigger challenge.
In recent years, the world witnesses an obvious rise in the rate of pollution due to the spreading of some detrimental gases. Although, some people believe that the vehicles are the major contributors, resulting in this
There are various economic problems that need attention. Although, some individuals think that the increase in a number of vehicles is a major concern. However, I believe that, there are bigger issues such rise in the in
In the recent times there are various global concerns across the world. However, some people believe the increase in the number of vehicles is the most major concern in comparison with various other problems such as glob
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