IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Whether it is possible to protect the environment is a highly subjective discussion point. However, from this writer experience, it is useful to preserve the natural habitat due to advances in technology and the public a
It is widely thought that people protecting themselves cannot have a big influence, while there is still some thought that the environment can be protected by individuals. Despite the negligible effect of them on what th
Whether what many people do being able to change things to save the environment is a highly controversial discussion point. This writer holds the belief that individuals can protect the surrounding for the reason of thei
It is argued that the work of each individual cannot make any significant change while others tell the opposite. This author believes that many small contributions can accumulate into big difference and acceleration in s
Environmental issues are undeniably among the most pressing challenges of our time. While there is widespread consensus on the urgency of these problems, opinions differ on the scale at which they should be tackled. Some
Opinions are divided on whether individuals can solely prevent the environment from being destroyed. While acknowledging that the actions of ordinary people do make a difference. I contend that the government has better
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