IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is often said that it is more vital to use the money on motorways and wharf, rather than on transportation for the public like trams and railways. This writer believes that it is crucial to improve public shipment rat
Nowadays, it is claimed by individuals that money should be used for motorways and roads rather than public transport systems. This writer's opinion is that money should be spent on traffic systems due to the safety and
Nowadays, it is claimed by individuals that money should be usedfor motorways and roads rather than public transport systems. This writer's opinion is that money should be spend on traffic systems due to the safety and e
It is often said that it is more vital to use the money on motorways and roads, rather than on vehicles for the public like trams and railways. This writer believes that it is crucial to improve public transport rather t
Many people support spending money on the motorways and street tracks. I disagree this problem because it is an unusual condition for me. I prefer local roads will smoothly.
It is claim that money should be allocate on developing roads and motorways instead of public transport systems. From my angles, both road and public transport systems play a significant role in our lives and should be e
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