Several people claim that having plenty of money is the main way of being happy in life. Whereas a lot of money is a manner of fulfilling material desires, things and situations related to human feelings can also make pe
It is a controversial topic,that a set of people say, money is required to spend a quality life, however the rest say, free time is more crucial. As per my understanding, I believe, not only the sound financial backing a
It is believed by some people that the key to happiness is having a lot of funds. This essay will discuss how true it is and also what are the other non-monetary ways that can make people blissful.
It has become a debatable issue where schools should invest their money.While some individuals are of the opinion that it should be done by recruiting well trained staff, whereas others believe that modern technological
It is believed that having much money is the major way to achieve happiness in life. In the following lines, I will explain the aforementioned sentence , and I will suggest other ways to reach happiness.
Rich people are part of our society since the beginning of it. Some individuals believe wealthy persons are happier than the poor ones. This essay explores situations related to happiness and great amounts of money. Addi
Over the last few decades, it has become more common for countries to improve in the agriculture industry, however, some people are still starving. There are many causes for this problem and this essay will explore them,
It is often said that being wealthy is the most important thing to make one's life merry. Money will definitely make a person happy, but there might me other important things for being happy.
It is true that happiness in life is indispensable to lead a peaceful life. While some say, having huge wealth is the main key to being content, but how is this possible? Living a happy life can be considered on other ba
There is a notion that having a huge fortune is the only route for businessmen to feel happy and not worried. Spending without caring may be one of the reasons for this belief .However, there are other causes for happine
Millions of people worldwide take standard English exams each year. Governments and schools around the globe demand that applicants prove a certain level of English ability through the use of exams like IELTS. These exam
Certain standard English language exams have become hugely popular across the world because of the opportunities that it provides. While a few individuals think that it has been commercialised to generate wealth, others
Some persons believe that only a big amount of money can bring happiness in life. This essay will first discuss that a huge capital makes human happy by freeing them, followed with a discussion that doing a person's favo
Eventhough the main reason a person takeup jobs is to find money for their living but people often find job to improve their living conditions and to add more luxuries. In the past, living conditions were very poor and p
A section of the society has an opinion that money is the main key to happiness and happy life. Money is a requirement for livelihood. But it is not the only way to happiness. This essay discusses how money can make peop
The fact that we are living in consumer societies is undeniable. Higher incomes allow people to buy more goods whenever they want to. One group of people think that thanks to consumerism, the living standards have increa
It is considered by some that money can become a key factor in determining happiness. In some cases, this statement can be true. However, there are many other aspects that can have a great influence on people’s happiness
Money becomes the fundamental way of happiness in everyone's life. It is believed that the supreme reason for being joyous by some folks is having ample amount of funds. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons behind t
Money becomes the fundamental way of happiness in everyone's life. It is believed that the supreme reason for being joyous in living is having an ample amount of funds by many folks. In this essay, I will discuss the rea