IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have conflicting views about the factors that contribute to success. Some people believe that wealth and physical attractiveness are more important. I believe that diligence and perseverance are the keys to succes
There are different factors that lead to success. While there are many supporters for hard-working and good attitude, many argue that wealth and look give more advantages. In my opinion, while all aspects mentioned matte
There are different factors that lead to success. While many people believe in hard-working and good attitudes, others argue that wealth and look may give more advantages. In my opinion, while all aspects mentioned matte
There are certain theories about success in people mind from a long time . Few people believe that continue struggle and focused thinking about goal bring success while some think that wealth and lifestyle are essential
There are different factors that lead to success. While many oppose working hard and having a good attitude, others argue that money and look may have more effects. In my opinion, while all aspects mentioned above matter
People tend to hold differing views about hard work and determination are the key factors for success. While some think, others, myself included, place more important on money and smart appearances.
While some people believe that wealth and attractive appearance are the keys to success, I am of the opinion that conscientiousness and resoluteness are more crucial to become an accomplished person.
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