The chart displays information about details of spending weekly income of families in one country between 1968 and 2018.Overall, most of the spending on weekly income in 1968 was higher than in 2018. While, there are 3 a
The table illustrates the percentages of cyclists in the unknown town in 2011, divided by the age bands and genders. In conclusion, females have a higher tendency to use bikes compared to males. In terms of age, the high
The bar chart details the constituent elements of India’s GDP divided into the agriculture, industry, and service sectors from 1960 to 2000. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that services becam
A glance at the table given illustrates the percentages of cyclist's population in a particular city in 2011. The table reveals the age band contains in 5 age groups and 2 genders (female and male).
The table illustrates the rate of individuals by old age group in one unknown city who used bikes in 2011 .Overall, it is clear that the community aged between 0 and 9 used bicycles more than the other age groups back
one bar graph precent indormation about the quantity of movie released, and the other the number of tickets saled in the cinema, both of them are divided in 4 categories, Drama, Comedy, Fantasy and Romance in two differ
The bar chart provides information about the average weekly spending by families in one nation, in the year 1968 and 2018. Overall, basic necessities such as food, fuel and power, clothing and footware, and personal were
The bar chart illustrates the average number of servings sold for five different products—hot coffee, iced coffee, ice cream, soup, and salad—during the winter and summer seasons.
The maps illustrate the future development of an industrial area in the town called Norbiton. In the future, the current factories will be placed with new housing complexes. Furthermore, the town development will be elev
The maps compare changes of an industrial area in the town named Nobiton between the current layout and the future development plan into a residential area.