IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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An idea states that the best way an enhancement in the safety of the roads can become beneficial is doing a retake of the driver's previous driving tests. I do not think this solution can solve any of the current problem
In the world 5.25 million accidents happen every year. Car accidents are a major issue and have killed over 1 million people. A straightforward solution could be enforcing laws or restrictions that contradict reckless dr
Some people believe that an annual mandatory driving test will help enhance road safety considerably. On the contrary, I believe that instead of concentrating all the efforts on annual exams, the transport department ca
It is a disputable fact that retaking driving test annually will solve the problems of road accidents. I strongly disagree with this statement due to its cons outweigh the pros. In the subsequent paragraphs, illustrate
There are those who have the belief the best manner to make transit safer is obligating car drivers to do their driving test every year. I totally disagree with such an idea because, even though it would probably reduce
Some people argue that the most effective way to elevate safety on roads is to force drivers to do their driving test once a year. I totally disagree with these individuals since people can pretend to be prudent drivers
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