The provided diagram illustrates the process of ethanol production. Overall, it can be observed that this picture covers all the steps from the factors that plants need to grow, to the end, which is the usage of this liq
The diagram shows the process of production of biofuel. It is evident, due to the graph that it is a long-lasting process, which starts with harvesting plants, and ends with getting ethanol, which is as effective as othe
The diagram illustrates how a biofuel called ethanol is produced. There are about 9 stages, at the beginning with plans growing and the end with ethanol used by cars, tribes and aeroplanes.
The diagram illustrates the formation of ethanol. Overall, the process of achieving this range from photosynthesis to transportation use to photosynthesis again.
The diagram illustrates the steps and equipment involved in the production of biofuels and the way in which the ethanol used to to make fuel for vehicles.
The diagram illustrates the process of manufacturing ethanol, commonly known as biofuel, highlighting different stages - including harvesting, pre-processing, and utilizing - and the repetitive cycle.
The diagram illustrates the process of producing ethanol, a type of biofuel. This complex procedure consists of several interconnected steps, starting from the growth of plants and ending with the use of ethanol as a fue
The ethanol is a pivotal item in the biofuel production priocess which have many benefits in our life. The process started when plants and trees growing under sunlight and carbon dioxide effects. This guide the process t