IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has been observed that industries and companies to get awayastratlorfrom large cities and into limited regions. Despite the numerous arguments surrounding this topic,my viewpoint on this issue is that merits of this m
In this contemporary epoch, the idea of launching new businesses in the countryside has been gaining ground recently. While proponents hold the view that this trend could bring a plethora of benefits to these areas, oppo
Manifacturals and Business shiuld motivated by the government to be constructed in a countryside and rural area instead of a large cities. i believe that the merits outwight the drawbacks, because In people in rural are
Nowadays, big cities are becoming more crowded and polluted. The government should help industries to transfer their factories into regional areas. This change would probably produce positive and negative effects. In
It is truly believed that industries and business should be encouraged to relocated out of the cities by the government. Even though there are some drawbacks, I personally think that it will be more beneficial.
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