IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Several representatives of contemporary society deem that local governments should provide for all citizens a certain income in order to they have a sufficient amount of money for life. From my perspective, it cannot be
It is considered by some that every citizen has a right to receive a basic payment from the government whether they are employed or unemployed. I completely disagree with the idea since I believe that it is better to cre
In the present day, with the advance of globalization and urbanization, the rate of joblessness in some sub developed countries is a primary concern in any society. Although some nations strive to help these unemployees
Nowadays it's been suggested that the government should allocate money to fund unemployed individuals so they can at least make ends meet. In this ,essay I will be discussing why to some extent I do agree with this noti
There is a growing consensus among countless people that the governing regime ought to allocate a small fund for all citizens irrespective of their employment status in order to fulfil their basic needs. I completely dis
It is often said that the governments should consider a basic income for each resident to ensure they have adequate money to live. Even if they are employed. From my point of ,view, I completely agree with this idea.
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