IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Over the last years, the number of people to online education has increased significantly. Although there are several advantages of online learning, it can have some disadvantages as well. In this essey I will try to dis
In the modern world, almost in all country development online education and online teachers so all children choose online course. From my prospective this development to positive too and negative too because in online c
Over the last few years, online education has increasing importance in the level, such as the popularity in some countries. While some people strongly support the opinion that this is benefit for children there are other
Currently, many individuals prefer to play interesting and enjoyable activities with a child to improve their skills and they think that many activities like outdoors are more creative than studying. I will declare both
It is certainly true that the popularity of online education has grown significantly in recent years. I think this is positive development, because must not come to school.
Nowadays, online education is very popular. People think that it saves lot of time but now people are preferring online education so they are sending their children to the offline education less and also they are doing o
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