The world is
and there is an increase in the purchase of items online. It has been said by some that the growth of buying things from the internet will lead to the closure of all shops in towns,
, I entirely disagree with
statement as I believe that physical stores will never be fazed out.
, there is a high risk of buying fake and substandard items when ordering online which is not the case with physical stores as the ability to physically see your purchases is a form of control.The online sellers tend to display high quality and beautiful items to get the attention of the unsuspecting potential customers and when the products are delivered it turns out to be different from what was ordered.
, a friend of mine ordered a waist trimmer from an online store and when it was delivered, it turned out that the quality of the fabric was completely different from what was displayed online. A complaint was laid to the store and they claimed there was no difference in the items delivered
in the end, her money was not returned and it turned out to be a waste.
would have been totally prevented if she had bought
trimmer from a walk in store.
, Shops in towns
be completely closed down as some set of people would rather go there as a form of bonding and recreational activities with friends and family. Going shopping is seen as an activity that people look forward to and time is taken to properly plan
out. Activities for the day can include
shopping with friends, trying clothes out
catching up on latest gists and having lunch.
, a cousin of mine recently went to shop for her Prom dress, it was glaring from her pictures and status updates that she had lots of fun as she had set out a whole day with her friends for
will not have
beinghave the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)
possible if they had shopped online.
In conclusion,
essay argued that while online stores are good, they cannot faze out walk in stores.
, in my opinion, I disagree with the fact that shops in towns will be closed down in the
forseeablecapable of being anticipated
future as they help bond families and reduce risk of buying fake products.