Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country's police force or military force, such as the army, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is a controversial issue as to whether women take part in military
like men, or, whether they are, totally, unfit for these sorts of jobs. From my perspective, it depends on women whether they want to join with police or not and participating in military forces
as navy and air forces, women are playing an essential role for the country.
To begin
with, both male and female should work together to achieve the target of a country, so that joining an army has become crucial for women these days. Men alone cannot provide protection to the country.
For example
, in an armed
, in the USA, the government selects both genders equally, as if they would be able to look after each other at the time of need.
is because when men are on the front side of their enemy, it is likely to get injured by the explosion from offenders.
, if women armed
stay at back and look after the wounded soldiers, it would provide a greater amount of help to the military forces.
, female police officers are not only increasing the menace to their enemy by large forces but
helping their male counterparts.
In contrast
, the majority of people advocate that females do not fit in jobs
as in army, air
, in navy, et Cetra. The reason is that they are vulnerable physically and physically unfit to handle cartridges, guns, pistols, and other equipment. In fact, if women want to handle all these as men do in their work, they can surely, execute all physic-related activities. Willpower is pivotal of a woman to do
tasks. By the strength, courage, and challenge of strong will, women decide on their sectors, whether they would like to participate or not.
, becoming part of the military
is, itself, a challenge for women, and quite suitable for women and quite suitable for women as well as men. In conclusion,
people believe that military works are incongruous for women, some people are, completely, preposterous with the statement saying women are contributing in police forces working together with men. In my opinion, the latter statement is just and it relies on women's will of participating

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