Many people think that universities should spend most of its money on the classes and libraries. They think that the most important thing is to support the academic facilities for the campus students rather than spending money on the entertainments
as sports and social activities.
point of view I have a different opinion. I think that
the university
should make equal financial support between both sides ‘sports and social activities’ and ‘classes and library’. The basis of my answer is educational and social.
, University should keen about the student’s
environment so that, they can achieve better results.
should have the opportunity to do more activities rather than the studying in the campus, so that their mind will open to receive more information.
and social activities
the brain release certain chemicals “endorphins, serotonin and dopamine” into the blood, that will make the students feel more active, happy and clear the mind.
will make a perfect
mind seta habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations
to study and allow the student to interact perfectly with their professor and colleagues.
improving the student’s mental and psychological health for studying,
thesedenotes a person or thing
will allow them to learn better and improve in their academic life, which will give the society a generation of
willa deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine
educated people that will help a lot in the improvement of our whole society in a lot of fields.
Socially, if the university
equally between the academic facilities and sports and social activities, these will provide a perfect environment for the students to socialize with each other and to get
to other students in different fields.
the students doing so will have a perfect opportunity to know more about the campus and how to get improved.
will not feel alone on the campus anymore. Most of the students travel far away from their families and it became very important to know more people to help them overcome
this feelingsSuggestion
these feelings
this feeling
of loneliness.
to nothing will get the students together and make them feel like family better than the sports and social activities. Sports have always been a part of family tradition to stay together and watch a certain match for football, basketball or any other sport that they like, or even to do a family gathering and play any certain kind of sport.
think that sport and social activities will help the students to socialize.
At the end, for the reasons I stated above, I encourage all universities to consider paying equally between the academic facility like the library and the classes, and the entertainment activities like the sports and the social activities. If they do so, they will find for themselves the great benefits their students will take Educationally and Socially.