Electronic transactions are gradually replacing the traditional banking system and the usage of banknotes is being supplanted by credit and debit cards. The transformation towards a cashless society might be slow, but steady and widespread.
paradigm shift has both positive and negative consequences and Linking Words
essay deals both with them.
Primarily, electronic transactions and Linking Words
card payments are more convenient and they are processed on the go. People neither have to carry a bulk amount of cash nor write a check - which usually takes a couple of days to clear the cash. The electronic payment system is global in nature and hassle-free. Use synonyms
, the eCommerce industry has flourished and many individuals have their own online business without any brick and mortar shop. Linking Words
For instance
, nowadays it has become pretty easy to shop with a VISA or a Master card, virtually from anywhere in the world. Personally, I hate standing in a long queue to pay my utility bills, and my cards let me do it from home - a time saver indeed.
Linking Words
On the contrary
, the trend does not come without negative aspects. Linking Words
we can use these cards due to technological advancement, the risks of using Linking Words
money, Use synonyms
, pertain to Linking Words
technology. The primary threat to Linking Words
payment mode is Linking Words
and hacking. Suggestion
For example
, once a credit card is cloned or its sensitive data is hacked, the owner would suffer a great financial loss. A technology giant like Facebook has failed to protect its user data, Linking Words
for example
, and the misuse of user data is a global concern. Same goes for the Linking Words
cards and online payment systems that have the same vulnerability.
To conclude, albeit some adverse effects the use of Use synonyms
money for making and receiving payments is the need of the hour. It provides a plethora of advantages, but we have to be careful of its use.Use synonyms