the growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in town closing. do you agree or disagree

It is often thought that there is a huge increase in online shopping and that
development will close all stores in the city centre.
, in my point of view, I totally disagree with
and believe that the traditional way of buying clothes will still be here.
of all, not every person is favourable for
development. The reason for
is that for some people it is difficult to find the exact size on the internet.
In other words
, they do like to try things on
before purchasing it for a decent price.
For example
, it can be seen that there is a slightly different in width when buying it on the computer. So, that's why some of them prefer to make some time and explore in the shops.
, not everybody is in possession of the internet or a laptop.
is because some families do not earn enough to pay extra bills, which are not necessary for a basic lifestyle.
For example
, poor households do like to go several outlets to compare the prices. All in all, there will be still some humans who are obtaining their garments outside rather than the internet. To conclude, electronic commerce is rising, some of them believe that one day all the shops in the town will be closed down. In my opinion, I strongly believe that the existence of those stores will be still here because not everybody likes buying thing with the help of electronics.
, there are some who can't afford it as well.
Submitted by rehanauddin9 on

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