Whether nations Should spend The Money on several researches or not, have been the epicentre of discussion and a unanimous Conclusive agreement is yet to be achieved Whereas, people have expressed their views on it through multiple modes of communication
be it the mainstream media or the social media I endorse the statement half-heartedly, I have some solid Grounds to defend my perceptions which I would like to explicate it At length in the paragraphs to come.
Accept space
To begin
with the majority of people believes that countries should make a whooping investment for numerous researchers. Researches for life saving drugs and life-comforting devices are an essential element And government should make thumping investment to carry out all the research. Linking Words
For instance
, the life expectancy was nearly 30 years around two centuries back.Many people who had contracted certain diseases Linking Words
as jaundice malariaLinking Words
flu and dengue fever had died because we did not have the effective remedy.Now, Accept space
, the scenario has completely changed. ScientistsLinking Words
By means of research and sheer Accept space
Have gifted as various preventive measures and vaccines to shield our body. Today the life expectancy has reached Nearly 65 years and it is expected to touch 90 years in the near future of medical researches.
keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last
the converse side is Linking Words
true. The banking institutions report that over two million People in the earth on less than hundred Rs. A day Linking Words
means that they do not have enough money to appease the hunger. It is horrible to witness that thousands of people stop every day owing to, which they are dying and we do not even get clothes to wear or shelter to live.
In conclusion, both point of you have strong merits. Linking Words
, It is important to conduct research is to cure the disease, but it is Linking Words
significant to look after the poor section of the society. Ergo, it is an ethical dilemma and the only solution to Linking Words
problem is to spend money proportionately on both things.Linking Words