In the contemporary world, it is common belief that participate in
unpaid Suggestion
an unpaid community service program
program would be mandatory for greater
in many aspects of humanity.
, it is important to some parents would not
because, they do not want their children to go out and clean the city at their younger age,
, I strongly believe that parents should encourage their
childerensa young person of either sex
to do free
work for a
soceityan extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization
. In the following essay, I will discuss
issue using some example to support my views and demonstrates points.
, the unpaid
should be compulsory to high Suggestion
should compulsory to high school programmes have
should be compulsory to high school programmes have
programmes have their own positive and negative sides and in following essay we will discuss them in detail.
of all, convincing argument can be that helping
soceityan extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization
with unpaid
is a good initiate to have a brighter future.
with, children should taught to collect a donation for physically disabled people without any personal profit.
, if children learn to donate
for a good cause at
schollan educational institution
it would be good help for the people who are
handicapedincapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness
, the same message they convey to their parents or friends and so that they will do the same. The
reason for my belief is that improving the neighbourhood.
, children
to clean their society by keeping the garbage in the
grabagefood that is discarded (as from a kitchen)
bag, do not
the garbage outside in
public placeSuggestion
a public place
public places
there would be lesser disease and
healtierimproved in health or physical condition
life that would be beneficial for them.
, teach sports to younger
chlildrena young person of either sex
is a good way to help each other who do not know how to play that any
perticualrdevoted to a cause or party
sportthe activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities
, sometimes younger people feels hard to play some
if they get a guidance from any other who is good at
that would be helpful for them. If these scenarios have merit,
the conclusion
drawn in the original argument is significantly strengthened.
, some arguments can be made that teaching
for a donation would result harmful. The main reason for
is if one
collects more
otherany of various alternatives; some other
they might feel sad while other might make misuse of
they collected.
, closer examination would reveal that if the collection of
by children is monitored by their parent or teacher
there would be less or almost no chance of misuse of
. Apart from
analysis would make it clear that collecting
for a good cause is always
toward strong humanity.
To sum up,
there are some benefits of not having
a compulsion
the compulsion
to unpaid
at high
programme, the advantages of having
a compulsion
the compulsion
to do unpaid
its disadvantage. Having considered all the arguments above, I would concede that teaching children at
level for helping others for free would always be a good habit.