There is a myriad of opinions in today’s material world. There is a point of view that supports keeping in contact with associates with the same thinking. Others believe that a successful worker ought to collaborate with opponents for his notions. I am a staunch believer of the latter point of view because it would allow me to have different ideas. The reasons for both points of view will be revealed in the following lines.
To begin
with, friends having a similar mindset could be a great help and support in tough situations. Linking Words
it seems impossible for two persons to have the same peripheral thinking, they may have a similar dream or target. A trigger is a crucial cause that prompts an employee to achieve his dream. Linking Words
For instance
, European Unity proves the great consequences of being with proponents which help and support. Linking Words
unity has become one of the most powerful entities in trade and industry due to their united power.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, Linking Words
to a personal notion can broaden Suggestion
the opponents
businessman’s mind
with negative impacts which he could not predict without a debate about the best possible idea. Despite the fact that opposing ideas can result in conflicts, it will have produced benefits and negative impacts of each way of thinking. Suggestion
the businessman’s mind
is exemplified by an In-market Linking Words
survey which
is being conducted by the sales department on a monthly basis in Google company to illustrate opponents’ notions. If Accept comma addition
survey, which
survey is not done, the company would not perceive defects of its system.
In conclusion, some employers tend to employ workers with a similar opinion to accept their orders. Linking Words
, others believe that the presence of opposing managers is a motivating reason. I strongly perceive the Linking Words
way because it has more advantages than having acceptors.Linking Words