Some parents are worried about increasing level of violence in TV, videos games and other types of entertainment for children’s leisure. How does this affect children? How do you thing problem can be tackled?

Worrisome concerns have been raised among some parents for their children who are spending
the majority
a majority
of their leisure
by watching the increased level of violence and dangerous content on the screens like TV and video games. In my view,
contents can be held responsible for the development of anti social behaviour and aggressive
among them. Combined efforts done by parents and government can handle
issue before long lasting damage being done on children’s behaviours.
, children with a higher exposure to violent and abusive contents through the TV serials, movies and games has increased chances of being diagnosed with psychological and psychiatric problems. In fact,
children have deranged cognitive skills and concentration abilities which later
on creating
Accept comma addition
on, creating
issues for them to cope with the future prospects.
, following the acts performed in the games and movies has escalated both major and minor crimes among children and
resulted in juvenile delinquency.
For instance
, watching the car racing games has led to over speeding and violation of the traffic rules, and war games to drug dealing, kidnapping and robbery.
, the government should strengthen censorship regulations on
kinds of entertainment through banning the violent contents, setting age limit and redefining the airing
to limit the screen exposure to children.
, parents should play a cautious role in supervising the content viewed by their children on the screen.
, they should spend more
with their children and divert their minds by utilizing their
in healthy outdoor activities. In case of any
issues, parents should timely take the medical help and indulge them in
development exercises. In conclusion, violent contents can make the children most vulnerable to aggressive
development and
anti social
shunning contact with others
behaviour which can be avoided under the strict supervision of parents and tight censorships done by the government bodies.

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Desensitization
  • Aggression
  • Cognitive development
  • Behavioral impact
  • Age ratings
  • Parental controls
  • Media literacy
  • Entertainment mediums
  • Psychological consequences
  • Normative behavior
  • Social interaction skills
  • Regulatory measures
  • Access restrictions
  • Violent content
  • Entertainment industry
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