in a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sum money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. other believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

There is a various idea whether spend
on expanding lines of public transportation;
, repairing and developing old transports.
, some people stick to the point that set up a new model of railways with high speed between cities.
, I believe allocate
for improving and rebuild old public transportations is more useful. On the one hand, spending
on repairing and improving old transports is more necessary than establish fast trains.
, by increasing a number of public transportations and expand lines of subways and busses contribute to reduction of use of private cars.
, public transports help prevent environments from damaging by decreasing emit exhaust fumes
as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that are resulting in increasing greenhouse gasses that lead to global warming.
, spending
on repairing highways and railways that are regularly used by public transportation
as busses, cars, subways is essential because standard highways and railways that are equipped with enough facilities and rescue worker;
as a result
, they provide safety for citizens.
On the other hand
establishing fast public trains and new railways is so expensive, but it has some merits.
, it can contribute to people save their time;
in addition
, providing for citizen safety
that is
a significant factor in people’s life.
For instance
, drivers when drive cars need to control speed, road and avoid themselves from accident; due to the fast trains people can commute safety without having the stress and arrive to their workplace as soon as possible In conclusion, public transport is an issue which affects all of us; government should spend
on type of public transport
that is
most beneficial for citizens
the speed of rails and new railway is necessary.
, I believe improving and repairing public transportations is more important for protecting the environment from damage.
Submitted by melika4120 on

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