It is frequently argued that people are becoming more socially active with internet and automation tools.
, some people believe that the opposite is true. I totally agree with the Linking Words
statement and Linking Words
essay will discuss both the views and give some examples.
On the one hand, some people think that because of social media our way of life has completely changed from what it was only twenty years ago. Linking Words
For example
, at the current point, Modern youngsters prefer to spend their valuable stage playing online computer games rather than playing outdoor games. Linking Words
As a result
, they do not get a chance to communicate with their peers sitting at home all day long after schools. Linking Words
In addition
, it might be said that face to face meetings are reduced by social media sites Linking Words
as Facebook, Twitter and others. The majority of people spend less present with their family and friends, Linking Words
, they spend more Linking Words
chatting on their cell phones and laptops online, which can lead to isolation.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, some people feel that machinery has become more popular around the world. Linking Words
For example
, the internet has bridged the long distance communications between friends and families without any geographical barriers. Linking Words
, lots of online shopping applications offer a great opportunity to people. They delivered their products in some term.
In conclusion, it is clear that using machinery is unpredictable activity and I think that if we would use automation in true way it can bring tons of beneficial information which we need.Linking Words
Ibrokhim Makhmudov