It is clearly evident that factories and other commercial establishments have been a major cause of pollution and various other issues. I strongly believe that government should encourage industries to relocate themselves to a more remote area. The advantages of
outweigh the drawbacks because of two main reasons, namely less pollution in over populated cities and the availability of more space.
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, pollution has been an outraging problem nowadays. Industries eliminate harmful chemicals that might cause damaging effect on living as well as non living things. It can pave the way for heart diseases and even fatal medical conditions like cancer. Linking Words
, the monuments and historical places might be damaged due to the highly reactive gases emitted from the chimneys. Linking Words
For instance
, Taj Mahal in Delhi has been affected by the same problem of harmful smoke rising from the industries around it. So, moving business buildings to local areas would reduce the harmful effects on human beings.
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, spacious construction of factory buildings would reduce the congestion experienced in the cities at present. Linking Words
would make place for other vital facilities like schools, hospitals and grocery shops. Linking Words
, Linking Words
would Linking Words
increase the congestion in rural areas. Linking Words
For example
, a survey depicted that, managers are trying to spend more money on expanding their workspace, but could not do so in the cities.
In conclusion, it is necessary for governments to urge businessmen to relocate their profitable industries to more remote areas of less population. It will create a positive impact on the social as well as mental being of a person.Linking Words