You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country. Write a letter to your manager.

Dear Peter, Thanks for your email. I'll be glad to help you find a job here in Canada.
week, I came to know that there is a vacant position of accountant assistant in 'Sphinx' company, which is located a few blocks from my residence.
post includes assisting in preparing financial reports, reconciling
Correct article usage
the general
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ledger, and reviewing the annual budget of the company. It's a full-time position that requires a degree in Accountancy and relevant experience. Well, I think you fit the position very well. You have a diploma in Accountancy, with 3
Correct your spelling
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experience in
field. You're
very good with numbers. I can see
job is tailored to you! To apply for
job, you can go to their website to fill a form and upload the required documents. To find out if you are shortlisted, you can always check the status of your request online. All the best, Bishoy
Submitted by eagle111 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • professional advancement
  • cross-cultural collaboration
  • headquarters/ head office
  • global perspective
  • remote work
  • temporary assignment
  • team dynamics
  • networking opportunities
  • cultural immersion
  • succession planning
  • collaborative tools
  • time zone coordination
  • corporate hierarchy
  • relocation logistics
  • work-life balance
  • multinational environment
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