Some organisations believe that their employees should dress smartly. Others value quality of work above appearance. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

There is no doubt that different companies appreciate different traits in their employees. While some organisations support the view that their employees should dress elegantly, I would argue that the
of task is what plays the most important role in a company. People who believe that dressing well is an important aspect might argue that
is the reason for more sales in a business. Due to the saying,
impression is what matters, employees are leaning towards the idea of dressing smart at the workplace. To illustrate, research shows that we judge a person within 1-5 seconds and mostly on the basis of their appearance.
As a result
, Companies are motivating their workers to wear better clothes, especially in the sales sector as they think
will help them to crack business deals.
On the other hand
, I believe that nothing is more important than the efficiency of one's work.
is because the
of the job is what makes for the profit of the company and at the end of the day, money is what fuels the company.
For instance
, in California, big IT giants like Google and Facebook are eliminating
idea of wearing suits to work. According to them, the human brain can only make a number of
decisions and one of them should not be wasted on choosing what to wear.
is one of the reasons for increased productivity in these firms and eventually greater profits. In conclusion,
dressing smart might have a few advantages in the sales sector,
of job has a dominant hand due to its various benefits like better productivity and bigger profits.
, in my opinion, work
is more important than dressing in smart clothes.
Submitted by Ishan Goyal on

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