Nowadays, some people believe that studying at university or college because it is the shortest way to accomplish a successful occupation, but there are some opposite aspects that seeking a
after school is more suitable. From my perspective, both of them have advantages that we should take it into consideration.
On the one hand, if we choose to get a Use synonyms
after studying, we will have a chance to earn money, so it creates an independent lifestyle and income and easier to live without parents. Use synonyms
For instance
, my brother decided to live apart from my parents to look for a Linking Words
, and he claimed that he would not receive any money from parents. After he found a Use synonyms
, he could pay for everything by himself. Use synonyms
, getting a Linking Words
can cut down on living costs for families and afford to start a family soon. Use synonyms
, it helps us have more practical experiences, understand more workplaces and social skills, even have more relationship and make easier to have a quick success in career.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, we will have opportunities to improve our education level and acquire more academic knowledge if we continue to study at university. Linking Words
, it increases the chances of getting a Linking Words
and lead to success shortly. What is more, we can find out more our possibilities and talents of ourselves like solving the formulas quickly and easily. Eventually, continuing to study at college can train more ability to research and live independently. Use synonyms
, it accumulates both practical and academic experiences.
In conclusion, getting a Linking Words
after school and continuing to study at university or college have unique benefits that we should not miss.Use synonyms
Huy Quang