"The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea. What are the reasons and solutions?"

Nowadays, one of the brutal truths is that terrestrial and marine
are on the verge of
because of human activities. My essay will indicate the causes and solutions of
issue. There are two main reasons why people threaten the
of the animal species.
their habitats is increasingly narrowed or affected negatively by human activities. Today, the environment is seriously polluted as an inevitable result from releasing an inordinate amount of toxic waste into the environment by traffic, especially
due to
the expansion of industries
as: natural forest is destroyed to make way for many factories, waste from factories ...
In addition
, hunting is a direct cause leading to the fact that animal species are becoming extinct.
According to
the reported by the wildlife conservation organization, Rhinos, elephants, tigers, and pangolins are being exploited illegally at a warming rate
due to
the misconception that some parts of them be able to cure diseases. As a really urgent need, solutions should be carried out to prevent the
of terrestrial and marine
. First of all, the government should imposes a heavy fine on organizations and individuals threatening the survival of
as: administrative and criminal penalties.
In addition
, educating for everyone about the conservation of
considered as the most sustainable way to control
difficult problem. Through school lessons and community education campaigns, people will be able to become aware of the importance of biodiversity and uselessness of
for treatment.
, not only the habitat quality of the organism is improved but
the illegal hunting situation can decrease significantly. From what has been discussed above, in conclusion, two main measures about legal as well as educational aspect were suggested to deal with two causes owing to human which lead to
of animal species in the world.
Submitted by Andy on

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Structure your answers in logical paragraphs

The easiest way to score well on the IELTS Task 2 writing portion is to structure your writing in a solid essay format.

A strong argument essay structure can be split up into 4 paragraphs, each containing 4 sentences (except the conclusion paragraph, which only contains 3 sentences).

Stick to this essay structure:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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