There is a universal statement that being with a friend who agrees with our views and belief system is best when compared to get along with a person who have different opinion in our thought process.I feel that the we should have someone to express his own view rather than supporting whatever we say.
To begin
with, the opposite minded people shed some light on different opinion behind the judgement which we have on certain people.Linking Words
is because they try to explain with the points which we are not even aware of and overall it will be a good learning from spending time with them.Linking Words
For example
, I have one friend who changed my attitude towards my manager, as my fellow colleagues always told about wrong opinion on him.Linking Words
, the strength and weakness identified easily by Linking Words
kind of friends, since they explore our mistakes in the decision we made in our life.Linking Words
As a result
, we try to unfollow the same pattern for solving a problem.
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On the other hand
, the like minded people always supports us in every point, sometimes it may lead to live in our own perception rather than thinking in the other's side.Linking Words
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Thus it
makes us so aloof in our relationship as our family member's does not give a chance to open up which makes egoistic nature in the long turn.Accept comma addition
Thus, it
, we may end up leading our lives in ignorance by our own misconception and blind belief, Linking Words
not exposing ourselves to the truth behind it.As, there is no option that the company we engaged in, are more helpful in convincing that whatever we decides is the best that leaves no space for correcting the wrong doing.
In conclusionLinking Words
the level of knowledge we acquired and used it to take important decision in our life is enhanced by having friends who disagree with us.Accept space
, our positives and negatives are clearly identified by them, which helps to think on the opposite side to reduce conflicts in a relationship.Linking Words