In several parts of the world, there is currently a lack of students choosing to study science in universities and colleges. What are the reasons? And what will be the effects on society?

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It has been said that fewer adolescents across the world are taking science and its applied for their major in their educational institutions.
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essay will suggest the background of
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occurrence and the effects on communities. The reasons for the reduced numbers of pupils who take science because
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field is very demanding, and in the professional world, the appreciations are very limited.
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, people who want to join
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area must fulfil many requirements,
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as technical and mental skills, easy to adapt to uncertain environments, and it is very recommended to have creativity.
For instance
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, many subjects in
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related-program demand students to get minimum B+ to pass the subjects,
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,you have to take the repetition class in the
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, in a workplace environment,
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field demands more working hours and more genuine idea than the other jobs.
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, when it is achieved, you do not get compliments,
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of boss' anger because you take longer time than he expects to establish
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, the impact on communities may be quite risky. The most fatal part is no new innovation. It means there is no new breakthrough to preserve human life.
For example
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, if the numbers of scientists all over the worlds are below than we need, the COVID-19 vaccine may be accomplished longer than we are expected. Even many grants have been given, it still not reinforces the establishment of
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accine. It is because there is a shortage of human resource. Eventually, it can cause millions of death before the vaccine has been ready. In conclusion, the shortages of students in the science field may bring impact to society
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as the continuity of humans' existences. Regarding that matter, we should increase the appreciations and reducing the requirements into realistic standards.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Lack of interest
  • Perception
  • Career paths
  • Technological development
  • Skilled professionals
  • Foreign expertise
  • Innovation
  • Economic impacts
  • Scientific advancements
  • Higher education
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