To the Editor,
I am writing to inform you that I am living at
bank view drive for three years and we moved here due to its affordability and its proximity to the city, and we really enjoy a public lawn near my home.But today,when I was going for walk in the morning,I saw an advertising label on the entrance of the garden and it was written on it that it is available for sale.
If, the board councillor is planning to trade Correct article usage
garden,Linking Words
,it would not be good because there is not any place near around my area where we can go for meditation and exercise and even old people of my era can not go anywhere else because they can not go far.As well as,there is not any other playground near my colony where kids can go and play with their friends.Even,board members did not ask anyone who is living here Linking Words
so long.
If the committee will not take their steps back Change preposition
I and all my neighbours will do a protest activity to stop the selling of Linking Words
square.Linking Words
, I will appoint a lawyer and I will file a case to stop them because it is the only place for me and my neighbours to go somewhere and sit there in the fresh environment in Linking Words
Thank you
sefgrgfnCorrect pronoun usage
my free