Colours are one of the biggest things that influence psychology directly. Psychologists have been saying that colours have a big impact on people’s psychology. Because of
, when painting public or working places colours must be considered before decorating phrases. Linking Words
essay believes that it is completely true information.
The brain starts to learn the colours at the very beginning of life. We are taught colours from our parents or schools. Since we started to learn, the brain starts to match colours with moods. The general view has been that some colours are related to different meanings, feelings and opinions. Linking Words
That is
why when we learn colours they try to simulate the meaning of colours, so we can generalize the colours better. Linking Words
For instance
, hospitals always have to be sanitized. Linking Words
, white Linking Words
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is always used in the hospitals because that makes it easier to see the dirt, so they can clean it as they notice. Change the spelling
,white colour means freshness. Linking Words
means that when people walk in the hospital they can feel that the hospital is clean and bright.
Interestingly, colours do not always represent goodness. The meaning of Linking Words
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mostly depends on the brightness level of the Change the spelling
Use synonyms
. Change the spelling
For instance
, as it gets darker that indicates that darkness is more dominant. So are moods. Obviously, when you get to know the colours you start to notice that they impact you neither in a bad nor good way. Linking Words
For example
, when you see red on the traffic lights, which means your immediate attention is needed. Linking Words
, if you do not see the red light you will not notice that you have to stop or the bad results will happen. Another example can be given for Linking Words
is on the remembrance days, black Linking Words
Use synonyms
is always used as the main theme because that makes us remember how bad the past was.
As far as I am concerned, colours always link us to moods. Change the spelling
means that when showing something colours must be considered Linking Words
. Linking Words
, you will not see the reaction you expected from people.Linking Words