It can be easily recognized that communicating through the internet is becoming more and more engaging to people, in comparison with face-to-face interaction. There are several factors that account for
trend, which leads to my belief that Linking Words
change is for the better.
Linking Words
, online communication is not as time and cost consuming as the real one. The amount of time used to get dressed, travel, etc. is minimized, which Linking Words
helps reduce the relating expenses. There is no need to pay for the transportation, or the foods and drinks if somebody decides to meet up at the cafe, or a restaurant, Linking Words
for instance
. Linking Words
, when it comes to online shopping, in no way do we have to walk from place to place or stand in queues in cash counters. Linking Words
, we can enter the key words in the search engine and take a look at all of the items on display without having to touch them one by one.
Linking Words
, online interaction secures a higher possibility of attendees’ involvement. Those obstacles that occur in the real world, Linking Words
as: traffic congestion, hearing or seeing difficulty in open spaces or large rooms, etc. are not of concern anymore. Everybody has the equal opportunity to get access to the information, Linking Words
leaving no excuses for delaying or procrastination. All of the working process is clearly recorded by AI, which intensify the fairness and objectivity. Linking Words
For example
, in online learning, the due date for every assignment or homework is clearly informed, as well as the time you submitted it and the scoring as well. Linking Words
helps raise people’s awareness and sense of responsibility.
In conclusion, online interaction has proved to be a superior invention. In believe its potential benefits can definitely make up for the problems that face-to-face communication confronts.Linking Words