The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

modern world,citizens have been preferring to use the usage of online interaction rather than face to face communication. I believe that cutting-edge technologies are part of our life and it has affected us in a positive way.
of all, the usage of social media would bring to strengthen the bond of the relationship among people.
For instance
, family members could communicate with each other via some applications
as Skype
they stay in overseas countries.
,thanks to social media, they could be able to contact them easily and cement their bonds of relationships.
, the usage of online interaction would bring to avoid the spreading of the contamination disease .
For example
, humanity has been facing a different kind of viruses for a while like covid 19 viruses, which easily spreading by airborne and infecting other people until governments announce that citizens should not go out often and ensure that with some regulations
as temporary curfews.
,in order to prevent the spreading of the virus, members of societies could prefer to use the applications.
the advantage of social media, it should not be forgotten that there are several disadvantages
as being social and cultural corruption.
, the human being is able to adapt to any situation. To illustrate, if using the tools increase dramatically, they might forget being socialized. As a consequence, it causes several health problems especially anxiety.
, culture is one of the key features of any community.
For instance
, the Mediterranean culture expects people to be involved in group activities and traditional gathering.
As a result
, if those peoples who live in
culture alter their habits, cultural demolish would be inevitable. In conclusion, in the light of the information given above, even though there are minor drawbacks which could be easily solved,yet I am convinced that the advantages of the online communication tools have solid and proven advantages, which are not only decreasing the rate of spreading of the viruses but
cementing the bond between family members.
Submitted by nabilahothman.769 on

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