It is easier for children to access different kinds of entertainment contents thanks to the development of technology,
many can negatively affect their development. It is clear that these are problems that need to tackle by society.
Children can quickly learn from what they experience Linking Words
by watching harmful TV programmes or playing video games, they can learn inappropriate behaviour quickly. Linking Words
, teenagers may watch movies related to murderers and may be obsessed with it. Linking Words
there can be a higher chance of committing crimes. Linking Words
, kids often copy actions that they have seen so they may have a high chance of repeating those on movies without aware of their misbehaviour. Linking Words
For example
, they may see that bullying others is cool, Linking Words
they will do the same thing with their classmates. Linking Words
, teenagers may addict to the content and cannot focus on studying. In fact, many students addict to online games so they drop classes to spend time playing. With the reasons stated above, it is clear that children have a high chance of being affected by harmful content.
To prevent these problems, there should be cooperation between different parties. On one hand, parents and schools need to control the contents that children can have access to. Linking Words
For instance
, parents may need to set up parental controls on their children's computer so that they do not spend too much time using them. Linking Words
, they may need to block websites that have adult contents to prevent teenagers from watching them. Linking Words
On the other hand
, the authority may Linking Words
help to solve these issues by banning harmful sites before they reach to the citizens. There might Linking Words
be 'Internet police' who will report and block any potential risks.
To conclude, children may be affected by TV shows or video games they consume so different methods are needed to filter contents. It is not only parents' responsibilities but Linking Words
the authority's to control access to them.Linking Words