Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic jam'. How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

It is true that transportation jam soars in many parts of the globe due to the substantial growth of automobile ownership since the
three decades. I agree with
statement that the prominent factor for escalating transport jam is by rapid increments of the cars;
, there are feasible measures to curb
activities by the governments, which would outline in
To begin
with, it is often said that the car utility is skyrocketed for a rapid and comfortable journey. A very recent survey revealed on automobiles that a significant proportion of cars are used for the above-mentioned advantages. The public need to reach their offices quickly as well as save their precious time;
as a result
, they have to opt for cars.
For instance
, many smart cities in India, namely Hyderabad, Bangalore and Delhi where most people seek cars for offices to preserve time as well as posses a convenient expedition, which lead to bumper-to-bumper influx, unfortunately.
On the other hand
, there are crucial measures to encounter
a problem by the administrations are the encouragement of carpool journey for the public as well as the imposition of some tax or penalty for the service violators. There is a high chance to curb traffic jams by encouraging the public to opt for a sharing car campaign with other passengers.
For example
, in Beijing, China,
system runs tremendously
as a result
the number of vehicles is reduced;
, freight jams plummet.
, hefty fines could intercept traffic jams. The Japanese government newly launched system is a good example to curb traffic problems, which they are imposing fines if the car contains less than three members.
, the public seeks other cars which reduces movement problems. In conclusion, indeed, wagon ownership is prominently responsible for the freight jam;
, encounter measures: carpooling and hefty fines which certainly curb
transportation problems.
Submitted by SIVASANKAR on

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