Today more and more tourist are visiting places where conditions difficult such as sahara deseret or the antartic .what are the benefits and disadvantages for tourist who visit such places?

In the recent world, the number of travellers who tend to visit places with extreme conditions is increasing every day, be it a desert having scorching heat or an ice-cold mountain.
, these thrilling activities have some pros and cons and
essay will discuss them in detail.
To begin
with, visiting regions where conditions are difficult to travel are usually done for adventure and it surely has some advantages. Primarily, it gives a sense of achievement to people and creates/creates happiness.
, they are able to see places which are unexplored yet.
, they enjoy the beauty of mother nature at fullest.
For example
, in the north of Pakistan, few of the hikers explored a running stream of water,
, they had to hike a steep mountain for eight hours in order to reach their destination.
As a result
, now that place is a major tourist destination for local and international tourists and the government has
made a track to reach there.
, the major benefit of travelling to lands with hard conditions is the exploring of virgin places.
On the contrary
, planning a trip to places where basic infrastructure is not available, is not advisable for everyone. The major disadvantage is the unavailability/unavailability of decent living space which can cause
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serious fatigue.
As a result
, an individual will be tired and might get sick.
For instance
, recently in Nepal, a mountain hiker lost his life due to heart failure as
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mbulance was unable to reach because of bad road condition.
,Living in a temporary place makes tourists vulnerable to the attack of wild animals as well.
, commuting to places with extreme conditions is a life-risking activity. In conclusion, Undoubtedly, the number of people who like to travel to places with dangerous conditions is increasing drastically.
, there are several merits and demerits of
adventure trips.and It can be an enjoyable thrilling memory or a regretful experience of life.
Submitted by AAYAN  on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • adventure tourism
  • ecosystem
  • endurance
  • logistical
  • biodiversity
  • sustainable
  • remote
  • extreme conditions
  • cultural heritage
  • off the beaten path
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