It is certainly not an easy task to keep up with technological advancements in the current world. There are many people who think that experienced workers are being cast aside to make way for younger ones, to keep up with modern times. I partially agree with
school of thought and Linking Words
essay will reflect my take on the debate.
Various instances depict that organisations are hiring young candidates to lead the way in today's market. Experienced workers often take time to adapt to the new technological advancements in the workplace, and are set in their old ways of getting results. Linking Words
For instance
, according to a recent survey, experienced workers tend to take 30% more time learning about a new application,compared to the younger employees. Linking Words
, young employees have much more resources available to them to develop a new skill compared to the experienced employees. Linking Words
For example
, new courses Linking Words
as digital marketing have now been added to college curriculums.
With that being said, experienced employees prove to be very vital for any organisation. The knowledge of the field and expertise proved by an experienced employee is unmatched. Linking Words
For example
,experienced workers can take control of a conference room much better than a young employee.Linking Words
, the organisation stands where it does only because of the work carried out by the experienced employees.
In conclusion, Linking Words
experienced workers bring a ton to the table, the employment of young workers is on the rise. Organisations are hiring young workers due to the new skill sets required to keep with the competitors in the marketplace.Linking Words