Social media is becoming increasingly popular amongst all age groups. However, sharing personal information on social media websites does have risks. Do you think that the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

As social media is a renowned platform between different age group persons, it has been argued by many individuals that circulation of private details on
platforms brings more risk.
, there are many merits associated with it like making connections, networking which involves sharing of personal details and
there are demerits associated like fraudulent activities.
essay will discuss both aspects. To commence with, social media platforms have made our lives easier. In
technology-driven world, individuals are able to keep in contact with old friends, make new friends and
be informed about the daily happenings in the world. The job search has
become easier compared to olden days. People are so addicted to
media that they spend long hours on it as an outcome of which personal details get shared by means of chatting with known friends or starting a friendship with new friends. It has
happened that with the help of
sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn people are able to find life partners or land up getting a good job
as a result
of networking.
For instance
in India, 60% of the population finds their career path with the help of social media.
On the other hand
, there are some disadvantages
. As people are sharing personal matters with persons on online media it has so happened that
has got misused.
is because people are not aware of what is happening in the mind of the other person. As it is a virtual platform, in the case of an unknown person, it is difficult to know the other person's intentions which give rise to spreading of the personal
shared among the masses.
is extremely dangerous as somebody's privacy is getting disturbed and it can
result in crimes like rape, molestation, robbery.
For instance
, in India, 60% of the individuals share their personal
in social media with persons who actually do not exist.
individuals create fake accounts and chat with people with the motive of committing crimes and frauds. To conclude,
sharing of personal
on virtual media has lots of advantages like building new connections, finding new employability it
has demerits which may result in fraudulent activities and crimes.
Submitted by ARIJIT MITRA on

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