There is no doubt that a workforce concerned debate has been escalated since
two decades. People are expecting to have various jobs nowadays in their entire life span. Linking Words
, some people contended that some civilians like to work for the same company over the years while others prefer to switch their workplace in a timely manner. Linking Words
essay will discuss the numerous pros and cons of the statement.
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of all, having the same jobs over the decades make people comfortable, and role models for others. Linking Words
For instance
, working in the same environment can provide people not only necessary comfort but Linking Words
make them goal-oriented as well which can put them as ideal role models in front of others. Linking Words
In addition
, working on various platforms can improvise humans right from enthusiastic, confident, competitive and successful. Linking Words
For example
, as we are living in the competitive world, 90% of workers nowadays are prioritizing to change their jobs moderately as they are not only aware of developing above mentioned skills but Linking Words
want to design their careers in a challenging environment.
There are numerous disadvantages are on the table for the point of view. Linking Words
, having a job in one environment can make people less career-driven as they are comfortable with their daily routines. Linking Words
, Linking Words
can even decrease their confidence where they might not be ready to accept the new challenges of life. Linking Words
of all, juggling into various places for work might create some financial trouble at a certain extent, as per a survey , Linking Words
for instance
, 45 out of 50 citizens are facing consequences of their decisions regarding shifting their work. Linking Words
, career is Linking Words
important where one should have a certain reputation from their employer as well, switching employers periodically might cause trouble in maintaining a good professional manner.
In a nutshell, the pros of having the same employer include comfort and achievements which are being contradicted by losing self-confidence as a disadvantage. Linking Words
, changing jobs can improvise one with certain skills but it counteracts by lossing professional morale.Linking Words